About Us
AMOSA-NORTH AMERICA is an alumni network of old students of Aggrey Memorial African Methodist Episcopal Zion Senior High School resident in North America. We are a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization incorporated in the USA. Our network is built on the belief that when there is teamwork and collaboration, excellent things can be achieved. We invite you to join and support us in this effort of community building. Explore our website to discover the numerous opportunities and ways to get involved in our efforts to build and strengthen the AMOSA community in North America.
Perpetuate a strong camaraderie among members of the alumni association to achieve the best outcomes for the school and community. “Semper Optimo Nitere”
- To strengthen the ties of affection established during the school days among old students
- Promote premium education awareness.
- Support infrastructure maintenance and social services in the school and community.
- Contribute to preserve the heritage of Aggrey Memorial Zion Secondary School in Ghana.